Thursday, January 8, 2009

Apple Tree

My bestie and I love music. I know, who doesn't? She has this incredible skill of taking random statements you make in conversation, thinks of a song that has that exact statement and singing that song on a moment's notice. Sometimes it is the most annoying thing in the world. Then there are times where it's simply hilarious. I love listening to music that has lyrics I can live by, that illustrate my personal truths. I'll give you an example:

Apple Tree by Erycah Badu
See I picks my friends like I pick my fruit
& Ganny told me that when I was only a youth
I don't go 'round trying to be what I'm not
I don't waste my time trying ta get what you got
I work at pleasin' me cause I can't please you
and that's why I do what I do...

And if you don't want to be down with me
Then you don't want to pick from my appletree
And if you don't want to be down with me
You just don't want to be down

Powerful words right? That's how I live. Remember my New Year's resolution " I resolve to please myself"? That's where it comes from. Folks (ok, women) waste too much time and energy trying to keep up with the Jones' and not enough time pursuing their true desires. If you can just follow these words, you can cut out a lot of unnecessary stress in your life. I'm not saying it's easy, but the more you practice it, the easier it becomes.

Just a warning, I'll do this from time to time... I'll pick lyrics that are on my *heart* on a particular day to share. Hey, it's how I keep it sane!

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