Monday, January 26, 2009

What's your platform?

In case you missed it, a new Miss America was crowned over the weekend. One new thing they tried this year was talking to the contestants.... right after they were eliminated... in the Elimination Lounge. In any case, after she was eliminated, through her tears, yet always with a smile, each contestant would describe her platform (her cause).

So I began thinking... what is my platform, my cause? Sure I have things that I am passionate about, but what is that truly gets at me? I'll start here : children. I love the kids! But it eats me up to see them mistreated and/or harmed in anyway. You know those Feed the Children infomercials they show late at night? I just want to adopt all of them!! I'm the same way with my students. You'd be amazed at the conditions some of our young people live in. I just want to take them all home with me!

Now where do I go from here?

Maybe I'll start here. It has a funny name, but it will do a world of good for these kids!

But, on the inverse, I want to help stop childhood obesity. My next step is to find out how.

What is your platform?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Are you living your truth?... There's hope!

Every time I turn on the T.V.
Somebody's acting crazy
If you let it, it will drive you crazy
but I'm takin' back my power today
Gas prices they just keep on rising
The government they keep on lying
but we gotta keep on surviving
Keep living our truth and do the best we can do
Stand up for your rights
Keep shining your light
And show the world your smile
There's hope
It doesn't cost a thing to smile
You don't have to pay to laugh
You better thank God for that!
Do you even know how to go about determining what's true for you? Spend some time alone. Find out what makes you happy. In college, I went through a rough time where I had to spend some time alone... not by choice. But it was during that time, that I learned a lot about myself. I began to do things for me, and me alone. I began to learn about the type of person I had been, by simply looking at the choices I'd been making. I decided it was time to put me first and honor who I was.
Are you living your truth?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Keeping it Sexy... at all times

My goal for 2008 was to "Bring Sexy Back". I lost 40 pounds (about 25 more to go!) and began to pay more attention to my outer appearance (makeup, hair etc.), in addition to my inner appearance (Thoughts have power!!). So, I think I accomplished a lot in that aspect. I'm looking and feeling all right these days!

But here comes the hard part... keeping it sexy. And for my husband's sake, at all times. He mentioned to me the other day, "I'd like to see you (at home) as the world sees you." At first, of course, I got a tiny bit mad. What the hell did he mean? Am I ugly at home? Then I really thought about it. He may be on to something here. Ok, during the work week, I wear wigs. I love my fabulous wigs. Instant fabu!! My face is done (to the best of my ability). As soon as I get home, the wig goes off. Under the wig my hair is either in braids or twists pulled back in a ponytail. Then I slap a satin cap on or wrap my hair up in a satin scarf. And the makeup eventually gets wiped off. I then change into my sweats, for I work out in the afternoons/evenings. I'd gotten a bit lazy with my hair as of late, and soon began wearing the wigs on the weekends, even though I told myself I'd have my hair out on the weekends.

So, he may have a point. I want my hair protected, so I braid and/or twist it up. I also wrap it up in a scarf, which I'm sure is oh so sexy. I want to keep up with my fitness efforts. But I'm at a loss. How do I keep it sexy?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Apple Tree

My bestie and I love music. I know, who doesn't? She has this incredible skill of taking random statements you make in conversation, thinks of a song that has that exact statement and singing that song on a moment's notice. Sometimes it is the most annoying thing in the world. Then there are times where it's simply hilarious. I love listening to music that has lyrics I can live by, that illustrate my personal truths. I'll give you an example:

Apple Tree by Erycah Badu
See I picks my friends like I pick my fruit
& Ganny told me that when I was only a youth
I don't go 'round trying to be what I'm not
I don't waste my time trying ta get what you got
I work at pleasin' me cause I can't please you
and that's why I do what I do...

And if you don't want to be down with me
Then you don't want to pick from my appletree
And if you don't want to be down with me
You just don't want to be down

Powerful words right? That's how I live. Remember my New Year's resolution " I resolve to please myself"? That's where it comes from. Folks (ok, women) waste too much time and energy trying to keep up with the Jones' and not enough time pursuing their true desires. If you can just follow these words, you can cut out a lot of unnecessary stress in your life. I'm not saying it's easy, but the more you practice it, the easier it becomes.

Just a warning, I'll do this from time to time... I'll pick lyrics that are on my *heart* on a particular day to share. Hey, it's how I keep it sane!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Review: Organix Coconut Milk

In keeping with my resolution to wash and deep condition my hair regularly, I tried two new products this week. Organix Coconut Milk shampoo and conditioner.

From the website:

Nourishing Coconut Milk Shampoo & Conditioner

Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditioner is an exclusive blend of organic coconut milk to nourish your hair, while ultra whipped egg white proteins add strength and elasticity, along with weightless coconut oils to add hydration and balance. The luxuriously creamy, foaming, hydrating formula leaves your hair feeling clean, glowing, softly scented and super soft.

So, first things first, the shampoo...

I like it! It doesn't have sodium laurel sulfate in it, so it immediately caught my eye. It is definitely creamy, has a great scent and creates a great lather. What's even better is that my hair felt really clean.. even clarified afterwards. It's a keeper!

Now the conditioner...
This is creamy goodness! Goes on like a dream and of course smells great! I may even get wild and crazy and add honey to it next time. I love soft hair. I'll stick with these two for awhile.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm resolved

What are your resolutions for ’09? Do you even make resolutions? I know there’s a school of thought out there that resolutions are for crap. I think it’s fun to make them. Who cares if you don’t follow through on all of them completely? It’s the attempt to accomplish the goals you’ve set out for yourself that’s the fun part. You know, I try to stay away from the traditional lose weight resolutions, because with a healthier lifestyle, the ideal weight will come. Believe me! I’m living proof! So for fun, here are my resolutions:

I resolve to…

  • live deliberately

  • become clear
    o strive for clarity in my thoughts and actions
    o know and practice my personal truths

  • please myself, not anyone else

  • take care of my outward appearance
    o get pedicures regularly
    o wash and deep condition my hair once a week
    o get the facial hair in check (eyebrows, upper lip, chin) [yes, I went there!]
    o get other body hair in check [do I even need to say where?]
    o perfect my makeup looks, and stretch beyond my natural eyeshadow quads

  • focus on my health
    o explore even healthier vegetarian options
    o engage in some type of exercise at least 6 days a week

  • get in tune with my inner sexy
    o sleep in negligees as often as I can, [it helps, believe me!]
    o begin yoga

What do you resolve?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Giving Birth

I've finally given birth! To a new blog! Exciting times! You get to peek inside my world of hair, beauty and life! Somedays I'll be so deep, I'll shock myself. Others... not so much. I promise to laugh a LOT! So welcome!