Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What brings you joy??

Hey honey!

Really, what brings you joy? Have you ever really thought about it? No, not what you like doing... What brings you that all encompassing feeling?

A few years ago, I was asked to lead a retreat for my sorority sisters. At first, I had no idea what I would say to these woman who were 20, 30, 40+ years older than me (I was the youngest by at least 20 years.) So finally I settled on a theme of renewal and joy. I began by asking them to sit for awhile and think about what brings them joy. I even took the time to create my own list (of which I cannot find by the way!) These women, my sisters, my sorors kinda fidgeted around in their seats for a minute. I knew they were wondering 'what the heck were we thinking asking this girl to come in here and lead our retreat?' But they eventually got into it and shared really insightful tidbits of life and joy.

So in lieu of my lost list (hey, it was like 8 years ago!), I'm going to recreate one! Here goes:

  1. Doing absolutely nothing.
  2. Hanging out with my mom in her bed.
  3. Sleeping in.
  4. Picnics in the spring.
  5. The feeling of sand between my toes on the beach at sunset.
  6. Laying in my husband's arms.
  7. Setting goals and achieving them.
  8. Bubble baths with a glass of wine!
  9. Relaxing and laughing with good friends.
  10. Getting hugs from my niece.

What brings YOU joy?

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...what brings me joy? a lot of stuff, but here's just a few...

    1. thunderstorms. i love the sound of God at work.
    2. staying at luxury hotels. there is just something about 1000+ thread count sheets.
    3. watching my husband sleep. he works so incredibly hard. it makes my heart happy to see him at rest.
    4. the sound of little kids laughing.
    5. going home. as much as i hate driving to florida, i love going home.
    6. learning new things.
    7. a warm breeze on a cool day.
