Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What brings you joy??

Hey honey!

Really, what brings you joy? Have you ever really thought about it? No, not what you like doing... What brings you that all encompassing feeling?

A few years ago, I was asked to lead a retreat for my sorority sisters. At first, I had no idea what I would say to these woman who were 20, 30, 40+ years older than me (I was the youngest by at least 20 years.) So finally I settled on a theme of renewal and joy. I began by asking them to sit for awhile and think about what brings them joy. I even took the time to create my own list (of which I cannot find by the way!) These women, my sisters, my sorors kinda fidgeted around in their seats for a minute. I knew they were wondering 'what the heck were we thinking asking this girl to come in here and lead our retreat?' But they eventually got into it and shared really insightful tidbits of life and joy.

So in lieu of my lost list (hey, it was like 8 years ago!), I'm going to recreate one! Here goes:

  1. Doing absolutely nothing.
  2. Hanging out with my mom in her bed.
  3. Sleeping in.
  4. Picnics in the spring.
  5. The feeling of sand between my toes on the beach at sunset.
  6. Laying in my husband's arms.
  7. Setting goals and achieving them.
  8. Bubble baths with a glass of wine!
  9. Relaxing and laughing with good friends.
  10. Getting hugs from my niece.

What brings YOU joy?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My rollerset!

OMG! I went to a salon! I can't tell you the last time I went to a salon! It has been forever! Maybe since I've been natural! Let me tell you about this experience though....

So I arrive at this place, @ 4pm, sandwiched between a antique store and an insurance place.

  • I walk in, very friendly receptionist (PLUS!!). I sign in, indicating I want a rollerset. I'm given a slip of paper with my name on it and told to go sit in the waiting room.

  • After about 30 minutes (MINUS!!), my number.. yes my NUMBER is called. I'm shown to the sink. I inform the washer girl that I want a rollerset, and under my wig I'm wearing cornrows. "Oh, we charge extra to take down your hair" (MINUS!!) So, I tell her that's ok, I'll take out my own cornrows.

  • Then she shampoos my LOOSE hair.. (PLINES!!)Yes, PLINUS... Plus because it's been forever since my scalped has been scratched that good. Minus for washing my hair loose. I normally wash my hair after I've detangled and put in Celie plaits. Washing loose is a disaster!! Tangle city!

  • After washing, she places a baggie on my head and ushers me back to the waiting room to.... wait. During this time, my hair is drying.. I could just feel it! (MINUS)

  • Almost 40 minutes later (Minus!!) a stylist comes to get me. When she takes off the plastic bag she goes.."0000"... Not "OH" mind you, but "ooo" similar to "eww" (Double MINUS)

  • She then proceeds to start combing from the root with a small toothed comb. "I grab her hand and say "Could you use a wide toothed comb, please?" (SUPER MINUS!)

  • She eventually realizes that my hair needs moisture and adds mousse and rolls my hair.

  • I'm under the dryer, maybe an hour ( I secretly think she just wanted to go home).

But all in all, I'm ok with the results! Hey you can't beat sitting back and letting someone else do your hair for $10.00. And guess what?

I'm going back next Monday.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Living deliberately

Hey honey!

A few months ago, a very good friend of mine stated in her facebook status that she wanted to live deliberately. I liked that statement so much, that I incorporated it into my New Year's Resolutions for '09. Funny things was, I couldn't put into words what it meant at the time, but it resonated with me. But, I think I'm ready now to tackle it's meaning. What exactly does it mean to live deliberately?

It’s an anthem for conscious choice about the life I want live each day. How do I want to live? I want to be present, authentic, courageous, creative and experience joy, love,and pure happiness. I want my values to be reflected in the way I spend my time and in the interactions I have with others.

To live deliberately, (to me), means to get off of the sidelines of your life, refusing to just let things happen. Being proactive! Being authentic (I love that word!)

I want to pursue what brings joy in my life. I want this feeling of freedom, bliss. I want to be true to myslf, loving and honoring me. I want to live deliberately!

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I wanted to live deep and suck all the marrow of life…” –Henry David Thoreau–

Live your life!

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm fine, and you?

Come now, you know what time it is!!! Time to pull a song out of my bag!

I work in a very tough environment. If you aren't prepared for it, or don't deal very well with stress, it will break you down. And ther's literally no support from up top. I can't tell you how many co-workers are dealing with unexplainable health issues... symptoms that seem to pop up as soon as we walk in the building. I'm constantly asked, "Why are you always smiling?" or, "What are you doing smiling this early in the morning?" Most of the time, I just say, "I don't know!" and keep it moving. Sometimes, honestly, I don't know. But if I stop to think about it, I do know I guess.

I spent sometime very unhappy with my career. So unhappy that I quit! It didn't put us in a very good situation and so I spent even more time unhappy... with just life period. When I decided to go back to work, this location was the only one that gave me a chance when others said they'd be glad to have me, but at the beginning of the next school year. I needed a job then! So I took it. I was and still am, very grateful to have a job, because the alternative just wasn't working. So I will smile and keep it moving through all of that stress, because I know, it's not my forever place. And, I'm just fine with it.

No time for moping around, are you kidding?

And no time for negative vibes, cause I’m winning...

Feels so good, when you’re doing all the things that you want to do

Get the best out of life, treat yourself to something new

Keep your head up high

In yourself, believe in you, believe in me

Having a really good time, I’m not complaining

And I’m a still wear a smile if it raining

I got to enjoy myself regardless

I appreciate life,

I’m so glad I got mine

So I like what I see when I’m looking at me

When I’m walking past the mirror

Aint worried about you and what you gonna do

I’m a lady so I must stay classy

Got to keep it hot,

keep it togetherIf I want to get better

You see I wouldn’t change my life,

my life’s just…..Fine

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Things I'm obsessed with right now

  1. Rollersetting my hair
  2. Finding the perfect nail color so I can paint my toes!..Spring is coming!
  3. Waiting on my Chalean Extreme DVD's to come in
  4. Transferring schools
  5. Finishing the VegLife Atlanta website
  6. Losing 25 pounds..ok, let's start with 15.
  7. Getting threaded on a regular basis
  8. My new lace front wig

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rainy day Atlanta

So it rained practically all day yesterday. Knowing that it was going to rain all week, I was stuck with the question, what do you do in Atlanta when it rains? And even as it came upon Saturday, I still had no clue. I've had a day to think about it, so here's what I've come up with so far...

  1. The High Museum Current hot exhibit..Terracotta Army

  2. Perimeter Mall Or any decent mall... Just go there and observe... ok, talk about the people there... While you're there, stop in @ Cheesecake Factory and take in the folks that make it their mission to turn the place into Club Cheeskecake...oh the outfits!!

  3. The Aquarium nuff said

  4. World of Coke cheesey, i know, nuff said

  5. Fork and Spoon or any random movie theater,

  6. DVD's and drinks rent your favorite movies, grab your friends and your favorite drinks and call it a day!

  7. The nap to end all naps do i need to elaborate?

  8. Catch up with folks via phone, Facebook, Twitter, etc

That's all I have for now. Any to add?